Senior Infants 2019 / 2020

An insight into our year
Senior Infants 2019 / 2020

Dear Senior Infants,

As we come closer to the end of our school year 2019 / 2020, now is the time to reflect on our year in Senior Infants.

We started the year full of excitement, wondering who we would be seated near, what we would play with, starting our new books, wondering what classroom role we would be assigned, who would be "pupil of the week" or which group would win "table of the week", and what story I would read next..... In October we went on our Autumn Walk and finished Mid-term dressed in our finest excited about going trick-or-treating!!
In November we were busy rehearsing our play "The Musicians of Bremen", learning our lines and putting actions to our songs. We gave a fabulous performance and were pretty tired the day after!!! We then made our beautiful Christmas Art for December.

In Term 2, we worked very hard in our Numeracy and Literacy Lift Off stations, we made fantastic progress in our reading, writing and maths. In February we started our hurling training and went to Zumba classes in the community hall. In March we were learning all about procedural writing and had tasted some yummie pancakes, when suddenly we were told we had to go home and we couldn't come back into school....we had to do our learning and lessons from home. We couldn't share our news or show what was important to us with each other. We missed our friends and school very much, it proved to be a very difficult time. We listened and watched videos of phonics, story telling and Gaeilge. Although things were different it didn't stop us from trying our best when doing our school work.

As we now approach our Summer Holidays, we are excited again to travel to places and to see friends and family. We hope to have a fun filled summer and we cannot wait to return to school to catch up with everyone. Until then we have some snapshots of our year to enjoy.

I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe summer,

Mrs. Maher

Feb 20
February Midterm
Mar 17
St Patricks Day
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 05
May Bank Holiday
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024 952 50
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