5th Class year so far

5th Class year so far

5th class have had a great start to the school year with lots of learning taking place inside and outside of the classroom.

We worked with an artist from Greywood Arts Centre in Killeagh over the last four weeks. Pupils drew what they think space might look like, wrote their names in morse code and used light flashes to communicate a message/ question in morse code about what they would like to know about space.

This work will be exhibited at the National Space centre in Midleton on Friday 18th November. (photos to follow)

We completed 6 weeks of swimming lessons at aura Leisure Centre in Youghal.

The boys and girls participated in the football Sciath na Scol games with both teams reaching the semi finals.

A few topics that we spent a number of weeks covering in class were procedural writing and the counties of Ireland. Each pupil completed a project on a different county.

Congratulations to Darragh & Ryan on winning medals at he Taekwon- Do National Championships in Limerick recently.

Congratulations to Erin, Nicole and Leah who were runners up in the James (Neighbour) Foley Memorial Camogie Tournament.

Mar 17
St Patricks Day
Apr 11
Easter Holidays
May 05
May Bank Holiday
Jun 02
June Bank Holiday
Main St, Killeagh Gardens, Killeagh, Co. Cork
024 952 50
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